Our Story
Please meet Cow, a shy, sweet 10 year old kitty who, quite frankly, has
been around much longer than any boyfriend I've ever had.

In January 2011, I left for a month-long trip to Ecuador. I was going to see
the historic city of Quito, hike up a volcano, and visit Mitad del Mundo, the
monument located on the equator. Poor Cow! It would be the longest we
had ever been apart. I hired my building's "official" pet care service, paid
hundreds of dollars, emailed my instructions to the coordinator, and left
another copy of the instructions taped above the table where I left Cow's

One very long flight later, I settled into a hotel and checked my email. Nothing.
I waited another day. I emailed the service. Two days after that, I got an email
from the coordinator saying that the catsitter was able to get into my apartment.
That's it? Did he actually see Cow? Did he play with her? Are they friends now? The
coordinator's response was cagey. My best friend Molly had a key to my apartment,
so I asked her to go over and investigate.
Molly walked into my apartment and knew something wasn't right. Cow was alive, yes! But I had left behind some very exciting cat toys -- cubes and tunnels that would turn the living room into a cat playground -- with the suggestion that, if Cow were too shy to come out and play, the sitter could instead use the time he was supposed to stay to set up these toys and move them around every day he was there. The toys were still in their packages. The sitter was also giving out much too much wet food at a time, so that the supply would run out much too soon.
When I emailed my building's management company, the super informed me that the cat sitter was checking out a key to my apartment every day and returning it as little as 12 minutes later -- less than half the time I'd paid him for.

Needless to say, I didn't enjoy my vacation very much while worrying about Cow! I felt guilty for 30 whole days, and then I got back and, well, I still felt guilty for having left Cow alone -- apparently, with some scary dogwalker who couldn't read or follow instructions.

I've discovered that many so-called professional cat care services are really dogwalking
services trying to make an extra buck. Dogs and cats have very different needs! The
energetic, athletic person who can keep four dogs in check at a time is probably not the
person best suited to sit quietly on the floor next to my bed for fifteen minutes, hoping
to entice a sweet, shy, frightened cat to come out and play. (I'm pretty sure my cat is
terrified of anyone who smells like multiple dogs.)

After spending years looking for a serious, reliable, professional cat care service, I finally
decided to create one. I asked myself, What would the perfect cat care service look like?
Aside from the obvious, I wanted someone who would clean the cat hair off my couch
every time she came over. This and many other extras are now part of our regular service.

EntitledCat is the real deal. We are bonded and insured. All our carers have not only
passed background checks, they've also passed the Cow test -- and sweet little Cow
doesn't give her approval lightly. Every one of our employees has a key to my apartment
and is trusted with both my cat and my home.
Your Cat Carer will come over in a fresh white lab coat, pockets stuffed with treats and toys. She'll play, feed, brush, and send you photos of the whole thing. She'll clean your couch before she goes. All for less than the cost of a salon blowout.

We are EntitledCat.
Jennifer Dziura